Friday 25 May 2012

Luther's Emma Thompson

A few months ago my Fellow fishing/hunting comrade and good friend Luther who's also kena the Landy poison so deep that he finally decided to get himself a brand new Defender 110 crew cab.

After months of waiting, Emma Thmpson ( being brand new like a virgin, sexy and pok pok choi like the brit actress compared to my Sean Connery) finally touched down and waiting to be picked up by her owner at LR's showroom in Tawau next week...

Very sexy colour oh !

Envy betul...!! Also, he's one of the few lucky bastards badasses to recieve the first batch 2.2 EU5 engined Defy in the country.

Luther's even ordered few goodies months before the car's arrival. With all his MMS each time he recieved the accesories, making people gatal betul!

According to him, he'll be picking it up on the 1st of June, driving it stright to Leklek's workshop garage to fit the wheel carrie and the clear lens he bought. Too bad the A-frame not yet arrive la...

Folloe us to see the process of his pimp-ups soon!

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